As my initial idea for this assignment, is based around child poverty I have researched into child poverty to help me gather thoughts and ideas and to give me a better understanding of the subject matter.
Child poverty is about more than just money – It’s multidimensional. For children, poverty means being deprived of major aspects of life like nutrition, health, water, education, protection and shelter. Poverty is violation of child rights and denies children the chance to survive and thrive. Relative poverty also impacts children. Even when not deprived in absolute terms, having poorer opportunities in education, health or nutrition than their peers limits a child’s life chance.
Child poverty within the media, Poverty in the U.K is a marginal issue in mainstream media.
‘You have to make it eye-catching for the news editor to say, ‘Ah, I see why I’m doing this’. The news editor has no moral interest in the subject, has no particular knowledge in depth of any specialism and is just looking at what’s brought to him and saying, ‘what do I fancy today?’ The specialist correspondent has to make a very good case and so you are always looking for the most dramatic top line you can find.” (Political commentator, daily broadsheet)’.
>>> Few photographs portraying child poverty >>>
The photographs above symbolise child poverty in a way you would see it in everyday life. If that’s on T.V in magazines or photographers work. All the photos are captured in black and white which assembles that much more passionate meaning behind the photo, it brings the contrast and the more finer detail out for the viewer to visualise. I want to corporate this style with in my work to achieve this I will use the same elements and techniques such as the use of contrast, tone and light to depict this style.